Opublikowany 2024-02-03 09:01:30 UTC przez: Redaktor

UniFi - Skrypty instalacyjne


Glenn R. napisał gotowe skrypty do instalowania Unifi Controller na Linuxie

Cześć chłopaki!

Napisałem kilka skryptów, które zainstalują/zaktualizują aplikację UniFi Network na komputerach z systemem Ubuntu/Debian. Te skrypty zostały przetestowane na Ubuntu 16.04/18.04/18.10/19.04/19.10/20.04/20.10/21.04/21.10/22.04/22.10/23.04/23.10/24.04 i Debian 8/9/10/11/12/13/14. Jeśli znajdziesz jakieś problemy podczas korzystania z moich skryptów, daj mi znać!

Zalecam używanie serwera z co najmniej 2 GB pamięci RAM.

Glenn R.




1) Copy the link location of the script.

2) SSH into your Ubuntu/Debian machine, and login as root. ( Ubuntu | sudo -i | Debian | su )

2a) Make sure the ca-certificates package is installed.

apt-get update; apt-get install ca-certificates wget -y

3) Download the script by executing the following command. ( change it to your wanted version )

wget https://get.glennr.nl/unifi/install/unifi-6.5.55.sh
Install the latest and greatest UniFi Network application with 1 line. ( copy paste ) rm unifi-latest.sh &> /dev/null; wget https://get.glennr.nl/unifi/install/install_latest/unifi-latest.sh && bash unifi-latest.sh

4) Now run the script with the command below.

bash unifi-6.5.55.sh
The script has multiple options: Option: --help Shows script options and information. Option: --skip Skip any kind of manual input. Option: --skip-swap Skip swap file check/creation. Option: --add-repository Add UniFi Repository if --skip is used. Option: --local-install Inform script that it's a local setup/application host, to open port 10001/udp ( discovery ). Option: --custom-url [argument] Manually provide a UniFi Network application download URL. ( argument is optional ) example: --custom-url https://dl.ui.com/unifi/5.13.29/unifi_sysvinit_all.deb Option: --v6 Run the Let's Encrypt script in IPv6 mode. Option: --email [argument] Specify what email address you want to use for Let's Encrypt renewal notifications. example: --email [email protected] Option: --fqdn [argument] Specify what domain name ( FQDN ) you want to use, you can specify multiple domain names with : as separator,. Example: --fqdn glennr.nl:www.glennr.nl Option: --server-ip [argument] Specify the server IP address manually. example: --server-ip Option: --custom-acme-server [argument] Specify a custom ACME server. example: --custom-acme-server https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory Option: --retry [argument] Specify how many times the Let's Encrypt should retry the challenge/hostname resolving. example: --retry 5 Option: --external-dns [argument]  Use external DNS server to resolve the FQDN. example: --external-dns Option: --force-renew Force renew the certificates. Option: --dns-challenge Runs the Let's Encrypt script in DNS mode instead of HTTP. Option: --dns-provider Specify your DNS server provider. example: --dns-provider ovh Supported providers: cloudflare, digitalocean, dnsimple, dnsmadeeasy, gehirn, google, linode, luadns, nsone, ovh, rfc2136, route53, sakuracloud Please refer to the link above regarding how the credentials file should look like. Option: --dns-provider-credentials Specify where the API credentials of your DNS provider are located. example: --dns-provider-credentials ~/.secrets/EUS/ovh.ini Option: --private-key [argument] Specify path to your private key (paid certificate). Example: --private-key /tmp/PRIVATE.key Option: --signed-certificate [argument] Specify path to your signed certificate (paid certificate). example: --signed-certificate /tmp/SSL_CERTIFICATE.cer Option: --chain-certificate [argument] Specify path to your chain certificate (paid certificate). example: --chain-certificate /tmp/CHAIN.cer Option: --intermediate-certificate [argument] Specify path to your intermediate certificate (paid certificate). example: --intermediate-certificate /tmp/INTERMEDIATE.cer Option: --own-certificate Requirement if you want to import your own paid certificates with the use of --skip   Example command to run the script: The example command installs the UniFi Network applicationwith Let's Encrypt certificates without any input from the user for glennr.nl and www.glennr.nl with email address [email protected] for the renewal notifications. bash unifi-5.13.29.sh --skip --fqdn glennr.nl:www.glennr.nl --email [email protected]

5) Once the installation is completed browse to your server IP address.


6) Kudo/Upvote my post 😀




ALL includes support for..

- Ubuntu Precise Pangolin ( 12.04 )   - Ubuntu Trusty Tahr ( 14.04 ) - Ubuntu Xenial Xerus ( 16.04 ) - Ubuntu Bionic Beaver ( 18.04 ) - Ubuntu Cosmic Cuttlefish ( 18.10 ) - Ubuntu Disco Dingo ( 19.04 ) - Ubuntu Eoan Ermine ( 19.10 ) - Ubuntu Focal Fossa ( 20.04 ) - Ubuntu Groovy Gorilla ( 20.10 ) - Ubuntu Hirsute Hippo ( 21.04 ) - Ubuntu Impish Indri ( 21.10 ) - Ubuntu Jammy Jellyfish ( 22.04 ) - Ubuntu Kinetic Kudu ( 22.10 ) - Ubuntu Lunar Lobster ( 23.04 ) - Ubuntu Mantic Minotaur ( 23.10 ) - Ubuntu Noble Numbat ( 24.04 ) - Debian Jessie ( 8 ) - Debian Stretch ( 9 ) - Debian Buster ( 10 ) - Debian Bullseye ( 11 ) - Debian Bookworm ( 12 ) - Debian Trixie ( 13 ) - Debian Forky ( 14 ) - Linux Mint 13 ( Maya ) - Linux Mint 17 ( Qiana | Rebecca | Rafaela | Rosa ) - Linux Mint 18 ( Sarah | Serena | Sonya | Sylvia ) - Linux Mint 19 ( Tara | Tessa | Tina | Tricia ) - Linux Mint 20 ( Ulyana | Ulyssa | Uma | Una ) - Linux Mint 21 ( Vanessa | Vera | Victoria | Virginia ) - Linux Mint 4 ( Debbie ) - Linux Mint 5 ( Elsie ) - Linux Mint 6 ( Faye ) - MX Linux 18 ( Continuum ) - Progress-Linux ( Engywuck ) - Parrot OS ( Lory ) - Elementary OS - Deepin Linux - Kali Linux ( rolling )





Installation script for UniFi 6.5.55 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )




Installation script for UniFi 7.0.20 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )

Installation script for UniFi 7.0.21 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )

Installation script for UniFi 7.0.22 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )

Installation script for UniFi 7.0.23 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )

Installation script for UniFi 7.0.25 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )




Installation script for UniFi 7.1.61 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )

Installation script for UniFi 7.1.65 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )

Installation script for UniFi 7.1.66 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )

Installation script for UniFi 7.1.67 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )

Installation script for UniFi 7.1.68 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )




Installation script for UniFi 7.2.91 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )

Installation script for UniFi 7.2.92 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )

Installation script for UniFi 7.2.93 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )

Installation script for UniFi 7.2.94 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )

Installation script for UniFi 7.2.95 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )

Installation script for UniFi 7.2.97 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )




Installation script for UniFi 7.3.76 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )

Installation script for UniFi 7.3.81 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )

Installation script for UniFi 7.3.83 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )




Installation script for UniFi 7.4.156 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )

Installation script for UniFi 7.4.162 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )




Installation script for UniFi 7.5.172 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )

Installation script for UniFi 7.5.174 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )

Installation script for UniFi 7.5.176 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )

Installation script for UniFi 7.5.187 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )




Installation script for UniFi 8.0.7 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )

Installation script for UniFi 8.0.24 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )

Installation script for UniFi 8.0.26 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )

Installation script for UniFi 8.0.28 - ALL ( see list above for supported distributions )

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