Aby dostać się do powłoki bash:
Wpisz "login" w wierszu poleceń ha, a otrzymasz powłokę roota.
ha > login
i już
So just like my other guide, this is more for my own records so I can come back and refer to it.
I know there are scripts for these things, but I prefer doing them manually so I can learn along the way.
Maybe it can help someone else in the future.
Obtain the VM image
- Navigate to the installation page on the HA website: https://www.home-assistant.io/installation/alternative
- Simply right-click the KVM/Proxmox link and copy the address
- In your Proxmox console, use wget to download the file
wget <ADDRESS>
- Expand the compressed image
unxz </path/to/file.qcow2.xz>
Create the VM
- Select your VM name and ID
- Select 'start at boot'
- Select 'Do not use any media'
- Change 'machine' to 'q35'
- Change BIOS to OVMF (UEFI)
- Select the EFI storage (typically local-lvm)
- Uncheck 'Pre-Enroll keys'
- Delete the SCSI drive and any other disks
- Set minimum 2 cores
- Set minimum 4096 MB
- Leave default unless you have special requirements (static, VLAN, etc)
Confirm and finish. Do not start the VM yet.
Add the image to the VM
- In your node's console, use the following command to import the image from the host to the VM
qm importdisk <VM ID> </path/to/file.qcow2> <EFI location>
For example,
qm importdisk 205 /home/user/haos_ova-12.0.qcow2 local-lvm
- Close the node's console and select your HA VM
- Go to the 'Hardware' tab
- Select the 'Unused Disk' and click the 'Edit' button
- Check the 'Discard' box if you're using an SSD then click 'Add'
- Select the 'Options' tab
- Select 'Boot Order' and hit 'Edit'
- Check the newly created drive (likely scsi0) and uncheck everything else
Finish Up
- Start the VM
- Check the shell of the VM. If it booted up correctly, you should be greeted with the link to access the Web UI.
- Navigate to <VM IP>:8123
Done. Everything should be up and running now.
eg.: for my tuya integration
to find entry_id:
To find it, go to Developer Tools → Services. Choose the desired service and select your integration from dropdown. Then switch to YAML mode to see entry_id .
alias: Reload Tuya every 2 Minutes
description: ""
- platform: time_pattern
minutes: "2"
condition: []
- service: homeassistant.reload_config_entry
entry_id: eba1xxx2eb04ef265bdbfdbdxx14bexx
mode: single